It was one of my monthly trip to Pune. Like always excited as it provides a diversion from my usual balanced lifestyle in Mumbai. To add on, Abhinav was in Pune for the weekend, a brief stopover on his trip from home in Bihar to workplace in Chennai.As always i was planning to return back on Sunday evening. Abhinav did suggested me to postpone my trip to next day morning, but i brushed it aside. My stern decision softnend the moment he put forth the idea of going to HardRock Cafe in Pune. Knowing my strong affinity to Rock music he knew that i will be lured into it.
We planned the session in detail & send invites. By 4 - 5 p.m, things were almost decided. The plan looked somewhat like this.
Venue: The HardRock Cafe, Pune.
1.Inhabitants of Flat No:405, A2, Mount Vert Pristine, Pune (Read Murali, Saish).
2.NDA: Lt.Co. Mahima & Dilip.
3.Nishant & Roshni.
4. Myself & Abhinav.
We met at the venue by 8:00 pm. It was not as crowded as i expected which came as releif. The first song i heard while entering ensured me that i am in for a treat, and HardRock did not disappoint me.
Shortly after settling, we started the process of getting sloshed. Beer started the proceeding followed by cocktails & Shots. After nearly three hours, the place was winding up and we got a shocker in the form of bill. The bill of 10K evoportated the liquor induced happy state. Then it was frantic collection of money, counting & recounting. In the end we managed as some of us had the sense of carrying extra money.
The expenses has not dampened our spirits, infact i am looking forward to the next visit.