I have always ridiculed Loki for spending hours in the net, often at the expense of sleep. This ridicule rose from my envy to his renewed energy when given access to the internet. Now this is from a banker, who used to slog 10 - 12 hours per day, come back home tired often by 11:00 pm. For a normal person this routine is more than enough to hit the sack once u enters the home, so I have often wondered how he does it. One thing I knew for sure was that I will never get addicted to the net and all its charms like social networking (hours spend pouring over the net as part of work in doesn’t count)
And today something strange happened; I was online for close to 5 hours, checked my facebook page every half an hour and spent an hour tinkering with my blog. It’s almost 12:00 and still my energy level high. I am surprised that I was feeling sleepy 10 minutes back while I was watching T.V. Lokesh, please forgive me for now I can perfectly relate to your mentality. Even now I don't know how or why this intense addiction towards internet began, but I am feeling a new high. Hell I am liking it. Looks like I have at last succumbed to the latest vice....internet.
It is a wonderful thing. I am equally addicted to the internet. I could spend day after day just reading - about books, about films, about people, about diseases(!!) and random words and phenomena that grab my fancy. I feel rejuvenated to see a computer with an internet connection around me.
My social networking capabilities have certainly not diminished my real world networking skills as "specialists" claim, in fact making it easier for me to actually be part of lives of my friends who are all around the world across different time zones. When we are in the same city, we meet and resume talking like normal human beings. No. OUR INTERACTIONS ARE NOT HANDICAPPED BY THE ABSENCE OF A CHAT PORTAL THEN.
Agreed that the medium has it's limitations, but focusing on them only makes the positives appear dreary and uninspiring. Thanks to the internet, my boredom is taken care of. And information and knowledge, earlier available to only the rich and the erudite, is now not a prerogative of only those who can afford books and world class library memberships. Knowledge and information now is a right for all.
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